Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Remember The Golden Rule

Remember The Golden Rule
First, Care for Yourself

On an airplane, an oxygen mask descends in front of you. What do you do? As we all know, the first rule is to put on your own oxygen mask before you assist anyone else. Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others. Caring for yourself is one of the most important—and one of the most often forgotten—things you can do as a caregiver. When your needs are taken care of, the person you care for will benefit, too.

Not too long ago I was absorbed in all things Autism, to the point that I'd forsaken my own health. I had extremely high blood pressure and had a series of small strokes, developed GERD, clinically depressed and ballooned to 308 pds. Question? Who do you think I was able to help? Anybody? Bueller? Last January I rang in the New Year in a hospital bed. As I welcomed in 2013, I decided to adopt a new way of life, because in the condition I was in....I couldn't help myself let alone my autistic son.

2013 became the year of Camille! I adopted a healthier lifestyle, which included some of the advice I've been passing out to others for years. I began what I call the "Camille Purge". Because I knew that my health and wellness is closely related to my son's. How is a fat out of shape woman who looks like a Weeble Wooble, going to chase a 7 year old who likes to take unannounced leisurely walks, wanders, and has bolting tendencies?

So I've said all of this to ultimate say as parents we can't take care of our children if we aren't taking care of ourselves. It's not selfish of you to live well and be well! And lets be honest...Do you really think anyone else can take better care of your child than you? So, if you're out for the count whadayyah think is gonna happen...lol!

Be Well!

I shed 110 pds, still more to lose.

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