About a year ago I relocated back to Detroit from Atlanta. I returned just after "The Great Autism Bill" was being put into effect. I was so optimistic in regards to how this bill would change things in under represented neighborhoods. A year has passed and while I think that many are being served, I see a great disparity when it comes to the accessibility of care. Many of the ASD service providers are in the suburbs and even with Medicaid taxis it's difficult for families to commit to therapy.
Education of Caregivers in the inner city is very lacking. The buy in just isn't there because parent training is set up as a mandate as opposed to what it really is...Their child's survival! Everyone keeps putting lipstick on "the pig" and passing out the Sinclair James "woo woo woo". Then along comes me an advocate for 5 1/2 years trying to provide much needed services to the underserved. I'm in the community and I'm working hard at getting them access to services and the training they need through my foundation The Color of Autism. I've applied for grant funding and crowd funding contests, and have kinda fallen flat. Recently, I received what I call a Dear John email from a large company that owns virtually everything in Detroit that basically said "Good Luck With That" and a nice no m'am at the end.
Here's a reality that needs to be stated:
In order for families in underserved communities to flourish, you have to provide the right outreach. You have to become a trusted partner and get a buy in. But how are you going to get a buy in when families have to travel 30 minutes or more outside their neighborhoods to get therapy. Many home providers won't even travel into the inner city. Therapy services need to be localized and accessible and most importantly genuine.Yes I said genuine! Sometimes you just have to tell folks like it is! The reality of Autism in the underserved populous is pretty bleak without therapy services. You have to have very keen relationship building skills in order to deliver a message that will resonate. You have to understand the nature and root of the parent anxiety and unless you've lived it a white paper from Psychology Today ain't gonna cut it. You have to understand the cultural shame of what having something that resembles crazy carries...Yes I said crazy! In underserved communities mental illness and disorders of the brain is shameful to many. So shameful that some would forgo treatment all together.*sidebar* Has the closing of the Lafayette Clinic taught us nothing? Being called Bad sounds alot better than Autistic and we all know what happens to all the bad kids. How many people on the Autism Spectrum do you think are in the prison system? Lemme answer that for you...Quite a Few. How many children on the spectrum have been abused because of overwhelmed and untrained parents?
The Color of Autism Foundation is the connecting thread for families affected by ASD living in Detroit. Be honest out of all the Autism foundations, how many are actually in the City supporting families. There is nobody speaking or walking down Linwood advocating for families with children on the spectrum. We deliver services to families, because without a strong foundation these children will not flourish. While my rant sounds cranky, I can assure you that I'm vetted to insuring that all children on the spectrum receive the care they need. The Color of Autism wants to end the disparity of care. The Color of Autism Foundation is a 501c3 that needs your support!
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in donating your time to, please email me at info@thecolorofautism.org.
Visit us: www.thecolorofautism.org
Kindest Regards,
Kindest Regards,